Volume 06  issue 11

An examination of The impact of strategic knowledge management from a manufacturing firm's performance point of view


A crucial concern for the progress of every society is the relationship between KM and medicine. Information creation and the identification of potential predictors of expertise behavior are crucial to the long-term success of any hospital's approach to intellectual capital. It has been suggested that managers might benefit from using KM practices in order to improve the efficiency of medical facilities such as hospitals. This paper's goal is to provide a reliable and accurate survey on KM in hospital environments. With the help of a comprehensive literature analysis and input from health experts, they create a new understanding survey. By conducting further research, we were able to narrow down the AKMI measurements to their essential components and confirm that they had correctly identified the items. Finally, the phonetic features of the new instrument are discussed. The proposed survey seems valid, trustworthy, and appropriate for use in examining the nine identified elements of KM: views of KM, intrinsic and extrinsic motives, information integration and distribution, collaboration, leadership, corporate culture, and hurdles. Health system performance may be enhanced with the use of the proposed question by providing legislators and health workers with data about KM activities in health systems.


  • Strategic Knowledge Management,
  • Manufacturing Firm,
  • Knowledge Implication,
  • Business knowledge
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How to Cite

ZHANG JIANJUN, & AMIYA BHAUMIK. (2023). An examination of The impact of strategic knowledge management from a manufacturing firm’s performance point of view. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 6(11), 01–15. Retrieved from

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