
A Case Study of the Economic and Socio-Cultural Effects of Tourism Growth in China's Fenghuang County


The problem of "poor in Fenghuang County, like in other places in China, is attributed to the country's inadequate modernization of its official narrative. Foreign direct investment and the commercial integration of the rural economy with external markets are only two examples of how the tourism industry is expected to contribute to the development of Fenghuang. They hired planners from Beijing to map out the county's urban expansion over the next 18 years ("CACP and PGFC 2005). The locals are stuck with no other choice "to comply with this arbitrary rule enforced by the privileged.

  • Tourist Development,
  • Scale of Resources,
  • Economical Markets
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MAOZHENG, F. ., BINTI MOHI, P. D. Z. ., & GHOSH, D. A. . (2024). A Case Study of the Economic and Socio-Cultural Effects of Tourism Growth in China’s Fenghuang County. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 7(01), 01–07. Retrieved from

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