Volume 07 Issue 07

Implementation of digital public relations in government in indonesia and thailand


Government Public Relations utilizes Digital Public Relations (PR) communication media to be able to convey Government policies, so they are required to comprehensively understand all the functions and duties of PR as the front guard in maintaining the "face of the organization" in digital media and the performance and ability of PR to utilize digital media as best as possible. The research carried out aims to: To find the implementation, To find obstacles and To find out what efforts of Government Digital Public Relations in Indonesia and Thailand, The research method used is descriptive qualitative with data collection through interviews, observation and documentation with the informant selection technique using purposive sampling of 7 (seven) informants. The results of the research show that: 1. Implementation of Digital Public Relations in Indonesia and in Thailand, the transparency conveyed must be correct and supported by factual data and still conform to the rules of Public Information Openness obtained through Digital Public Relations media in Indonesia via Instagram, FaceBook , Tiktok, Twitter, or Website. Information in Thailand was obtained through Instagram, Line, Facebook and Television as well as several bloggers and vloggers. There is information segmentation as a communication technician and facilitator in the Indonesian Government with information packaging as well. If there is a discrepancy, make a press release, press conference and maximize the dissemination of information. The benefits obtained include a lot of support or input from outside, a positive image of the Government. The proliferation of blog posts that reinterpret content from other sources affects social systems. 2. Obstacles to the implementation of Government Digital Public Relations, if the implementation is not correct, it will reduce the success of government programs, the quality of public services and the lack of use of information in the decision making process and sometimes requires more updates and the need to find out something new and how to convey some information takes time with limited human resources, facilities and infrastructure. 3. Efforts to implement Digital Public Relations by providing regulations that support the implementation of Digital Public Relations, there must be good coordination and training for HR needs to be provided, providing effective news and information and connecting directly with the community and stakeholders in real time. The government also motivates people to carry out reforms.

  • Implementation,
  • Digital,
  • Public Relations,
  • Government
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How to Cite

FARIDA NURFALAH, M. NURUZZAMAN, SITI KHUMAYAH, NICO IRAWAN, & RIFKA NOVIANI SANTIKA. (2024). Implementation of digital public relations in government in indonesia and thailand. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 7(07), 118–128. Retrieved from

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