volume 06 issue 11

The efficacy of marketing strategies in shopping centers' promotion mixes to draw customers and visitors: an exploratory study based in Hong Kong: The efficacy of marketing strategies in shopping centers' promotion mixes to draw customers and visitors: an exploratory study based in Hong Kong


A group of shoppers were polled on the efficacy of various marketing strategies for boosting shopping malls' most important metrics (sales and foot traffic) and their responses were used to rank the effectiveness of various promotional tactics. There seem to be substantial differences among sales drivers or visit drivers, and the results indicate various combinations that may be beneficial in creating optimal consumer behavior. Displays at schools and communities tend to encourage visits from people who aren't potential customers, whereas fashion shows or product displays fail to generate either kind of reaction. Despite the popularity of mall-wide deals, a mix of free entertainment and discount offers has been shown to be an effective alternative. Positive findings were found after analyzing actual purchases, visits, and promotional kinds during a three-month period to see how well actual customer behavior matched consumers' claimed behavior. The research found that shopping, entertainment, activities, and the environment all contribute to the attraction of city centers. City center accessibility was not shown to have a statistically significant effect on a city's desirability. This research aims to examine the ways in which Marketing strategies—such as Production strategy, pricing strategy, promotion strategy, and location strategy—affect organizational performance.

  • Shopping malls,
  • Customer Satisfaction,
  • Place marketing,
  • Role of promotion strategies,
  • Elements of promotion mix,
  • Marketing Strategy,
  • City Centre Attractiveness
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How to Cite

LI MENG, L. M., & ABHIJIT GHOSH, A. G. (2023). The efficacy of marketing strategies in shopping centers’ promotion mixes to draw customers and visitors: an exploratory study based in Hong Kong: The efficacy of marketing strategies in shopping centers’ promotion mixes to draw customers and visitors: an exploratory study based in Hong Kong. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 6(11). Retrieved from

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