
The effects of product perceived quality, logistics and customer service on online shopping purchase intention: Literature Review: The effects of product perceived quality, logistics and customer service on online shopping purchase intention: Literature Review


In the past two decades, with the rapid development of China's economy, the development of the Internet, the continuous improvement of infrastructure, the popularity of mobile networks, the development of e-commerce is becoming increasingly rapid, online shopping is gradually popular, and even began to replace offline shopping. In China, online shopping groups continue to grow, but young, highly educated consumer groups are still the main force of online consumption, among which college students are the most prominent representative. This study examines the relationship between product perceived quality, logistics and customer service and online purchase intention from three dimensions. In this literature review, the author proves the application of these three dimensions and related theories on online purchase intention through previous studies. The literature review verifies the relationship between product perceived quality, logistics, and customer service on online purchase intention.

  • Product Perceived Quality,
  • Logistics,
  • Customer Service,
  • Purchase Intention,
  • Electronic Commerce
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How to Cite

ZHOU YANYANG, Z. Y., AIMI ANUAR, A. A., & AZMAN, NORHIDAYAH, A. N. (2024). The effects of product perceived quality, logistics and customer service on online shopping purchase intention: Literature Review: The effects of product perceived quality, logistics and customer service on online shopping purchase intention: Literature Review. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, 7(04), 01–19. Retrieved from

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