

Undoubetdly, plagiarism is a very serious concern in the whole world when its about manuscript writing. To explain, plagiarism infers to “the uncertified use or close lookalike of the dialect and thoughts of some other writer and the representation of the someone’s own primary work.” It is usually observed that, authors just copy scientific information and data from other published papers, which is a very shameful method in academic seehow.

Therefore it is our humble request to all our researchers to adopt a very pragmatic & holistic approach to craft the work of interest. So, IJMRAS will hold the responsiblity for further action on the concern of plagiarism. Moreover, the author will hold the sole discretion for the problem of plagiarism.

Some instances of plagiarism are:

1. Posting a content somewhere from the internet without giving necessary reference.

2. Giving a name to some other person’s work or research.

3. Similar copying the accurate wordings from some other person’s work.

4. Taking in use someone else’s diagram, photo, tables, ideas or sounds without necessary citation.

5. Showcasing someone else’s research in own words without even giving references.

6. Buying some other person’s words and using them as their own.

7. Presenting ideas in a similar format and chronology as per the source of research.


When researchers submit papers for publication to the journal, they certify that:

1. I/We are completely informed that plagiarism is illegal.

2. I/We understand that plagiarism is stealing some other person’s idea or published work and to assume that it is oneself.

3. I/We acknowledge that individual contribution to the project from the reserch of other people’s published tasks or unpublished references have been approved and source of knowledge have been taken as reference.

4. I/We verify that you hold the sole responsiblilty for any unfinished quotation that may stay in my/our task.


Anti-plagiarism declaration:

I have scrutinized and analysed the rules of IJMRAS on plagiarism. I hereby proclaim that this work of research is the outcome of my own unconventional scholarly task, and that in all the cases sources from the work of others (in articles, books, essays, dissertations, and over the internet) is signified, and quotations and paraphrases are clearly presented. Other than the listed ones, no other material have been used. This work that has been written hasn’t been published previously anywhere.


Points to avoid Plagiarism:

1. Know about the expectations of citation for each individual course.

2. When the author write-downs notes for a research paper, they must be assured to mention sources so things don’t get tangled up for later.

3. When the author researches online, they must stay assured to get the primary source of the information.

4. If the author is very worried, then they must ask their professor to submit an outlining draft so that citations can be checked.